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Контурная вышивка и вышивка гладью

Четверг, 12 Мая 2016 г. 03:39 + в цитатник

Aimee Ray - Doodle-Stitching: Fresh & Fun Embroidery for Beginners

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Книга по рукоделию с применением контурной вышивки и вышивки гладью

Doodle Stitching is a truly cute book...full of practical and whimsical projects that are neither boring or stodgy.... The projects section of Doodle Stitching shows how to make so many ordinary items special, such as pillow cases, skirts, shoes, shirts, scarves, boxer shorts and napkins. For those that like to take their creativity and sewing skills that little bit further, there are small projects to make and embroider,... This is a good book for beginner embroiderers that would like a fun place to start, for more experienced embroiderers that might have become a bit jaded with more traditional patterns and could do with some light inspiration, and for anyone that likes to look at well-designed craft books full of cute projects.

Asian-inspired lampshades embellished with flying fish. Canvas sneakers decorated with pink and white swirls. A pretty pillow adorned with a sleeping bunny, sweetly curled up. All it takes to create these appealing projects—or add charming embroidered touches in no time at all—are a few simple stitches, some easy techniques, and the nearly 30 projects in this book. Begin by learning several styles for outlining, filling, decorating, and appliqué. Find out about floss, fancy threads, fabrics, and needles. Get the scoop on hoops, and the lowdown on transferring your very own designs onto every type of fabric. The fresh ideas, witty patterns, and clever color illustrations take stitchers from novice to accomplished in a blink of the eye!

Год выпуска: 2007
Автор: Aimee Ray
Жанр: рукоделие
Издательство: Lark Books
ISBN: 978-1600590610
Формат: jpeg
Количество страниц: 129
Язык: английский
Размер: 33 MB

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